A New Era of Strategic Competition

This Center for Strategic and International Studies report analyzes the important role of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in warfare over the past two decades.  This report uses a comparative study approach and examines the Nargorno-Karabakh war in 2020, Ukraine war in 2022, and the Northern Edge-21 exercise in the Indo-Pacific in 2021.

These recent events reveal that UASs are playing an increasingly important role in combined arms warfare, to include multiple types of missions.  Examples of missions include early warning, domain awareness, targeting for standoff attacks, strike, electronic warfare, and information operations.

Publication Date- November 10, 2022

This report contains the following major sections:

1- Introduction

2- UASs in Warfare and Competition

3- Nagorno-Karabakh War

4- Ukraine War

5- Northern Edge 21

6- The Future of UASs in Competition and Warfare

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Authors- Seth G. Jones, Jake Harrington, Christopher K. Reid, and Matthew Strohmeyer

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