Defending Airports from UAS: A Survey on Cyber-Attacks and Counter Drone Sensing Technologies provides the reader with a survey of previous airport-related drone incidents; a literature review of drone detection and mitigation technology; an analysis of the strengths and limitations of C-UAS detection and mitigation technologies; a discussion of three possible airport attack scenarios by a drone and protection plans for each; and considerations for airport stakeholders to consider when deploying C-UAS technology in the airport context.

Publication Date- June 22, 2020

Defending Airports from UAS: A Survey on Cyber-Attacks and Counter Drone Sensing Technologies contains the following major sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Worldwide Incidents with UAS
  3. Literature Review on Counter-Drone (C-UAS) Technologies
  4. Attacks with Drones in Airport Critical Infrastructures: Scenario Analysis
  5. Proposed Countermeasures for Airports
  6. Discussions on C-UAS Applicability in Airports and Resilience Plans
  7. Conclusions

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Authors- Georgia Lykou, Dimitrios Moustakas, and Dimitris Gritzalis

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Title 49 U.S. Code Section 44810- Federal Aviation Administration