The intention of this work is to develop a common framework to develop Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) for force protection to counter unmanned systems that pose a threat in all domains.  This think piece provides an thorough insight into the threat posed by unmanned systems, as well as a number of operational considerations relevant for both homeland security and military operations.  Relevant questions for consideration and observations are presented for the reader.

The document is authored by subject matter experts from a variety of countries who belong to the Joint Air Power Competence Centre and the European Air Group.

Publication Date- May 2019

The Implications for Force Protection Practitioners of Having to Counter Unmanned Systems contains the following major sections:

Part I- Overview

1- Introduction

2- Parameters

3- Overarching Considerations

4- General Analysis- User Groups

5- General Analysis- Friendly Forces Perspective

6- A Proven Approach

7- Operational Context

8- Legal Considerations

9- Existing Capability

10- Emerging Considerations

11- Summary

This content was posted with the permission of the Joint Air Power Competence Centre. NATO Unclassified – Publically Disclosed. does not own this content and is providing a link for users to access the content in its original location. This provides the author(s) with the opportunity to track important article metrics related to their work. All credit goes to its rightful owner.

Author- Wing Commander (ret.) Jez Parkinson, UK AF

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