System Analysis of Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems’ Kill Chain in an Operational Environment is a Naval Post Graduate School thesis by Choon S. Tan. In this thesis, the author presents a systems engineering approach to provide a step-by-step process to conduct an evaluation and analysis of a facility and employ model-based system engineering tools to assess the effectiveness and limitations of Counter-UAS systems. The methodology considers the impact of Counter-UAS on adjacent stakeholders within the area of operations. A case study of a hypothetical airport is presented to demonstrate the methodology.

Publication Date- September 2021

System Analysis of Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems’ Kill Chain in an Operational Environment contains the following major sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Manuscript Submission
    1. System Analysis of a Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems Kill Chain in an Operational Environment
    2. Introduction
    3. Background and Related Research
    4. Methodology
    5. Case Study
    6. Discussion
    7. Conclusions
  3. Conclusion
    1. Conclusions
    2. Future Work

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Author- Major Choon S. Tan, Singapore Army

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