Detection and Classification of UAVs Using RF Fingerprints in the Presence of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Interference is a paper by…
Enabling Counter-UAS and UAS-Detection Systems in New Zealand is a report that proposes legislation to address the threats posed by drones.
Micro-UAV Detection and Classification from RF Fingerprints Using Machine Learning Techniques is a paper that focuses on the RF detection and classification micro-UAVs.
Berlin Memorandum on Good Practices for Countering Terrorist Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems is a document that identifies 26 good…
Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems is a paper that provides a background on how the technology works, how the technology can be…
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Office of Airports and Safety Standards released Counter-UAS guidance with attachments to all airport sponsors…
Framework for Responding to a Drone Incident is an INTERPOL document inspired by the Drone Global Expert Group participants in…
The intention of this work is to develop a common framework to develop Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) for force…
Consumer drones are a common topic in the Counter-UAS Industry. These low-cost flying platforms have redefined what it means to…
The UK Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Strategy outlines the government’s strategy to mitigate the threat of the careless and clueless use of…
In this white paper, Mitre shares its unmanned aircraft systems threat characterization to help stakeholders understand the threats of these…
Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems is a Naval Post Graduate School thesis by Jason Knight that assessed the risk UAS pose…