The Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-sUAS) Office (JCO) is seeking sources and information to identify the cost and ability…
SeeByte, in partnership with Blue Bear, have been awarded a contract by Defence Science and Technology laboratory (Dstl) under the…
Use of Artificial Fiducial Markers for USV Swarm Coordination is a Naval Post Graduate thesis by Matthew Heubach. Typical swarm…
Airbus Defence and Space GmbH, Quantum-Systems GmbH, and Spleenlab GmbH have been awarded a research project by the Planning Office…
A significant milestone was achieved with the inaugural trial of AI and autonomy under the AUKUS initiative. The primary objective…
On April 5, 2023, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) demonstrated its advanced high-power microwave counter-drone solution, the Tactical High-power…
Operational Planning and Optimization of Small Domain Swarm Defense Strategies is a Naval Post Graduate School Thesis by Michael J….
Feasibility of Indirect Fire for Countering Swarms of small Unmanned Aerial Systems is a Naval Post Graduate School thesis by…
In their new Challenge event, STRIKEWERX and Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) are exploring cutting-edge technology to defeat small…
Defensive swarm: an agent-based modeling analysis is a thesis that analyzes how swarms of UAVs can support defensive operations.
Swarm-based counter UAV defense system proposes the use of an autonomous defense UAV swarm to mitigate drone threats.
The use of the word ‘swarm’ as it relates to drones, or unmanned aircraft systems is one of the most…