Border Security

U.S. Border Patrol faces threat from kamikaze-style cartel drones

U.S. Border Patrol agents and military personnel along the southern border have been warned of a new threat involving weaponized…

U.S. Border Patrol grapples with cartel drone threats

At the Counter UAS Homeland Security Europe 2024 conference, Assistant Chief Patrol Agent J. Michael Douglas, Director of Training for…

Singapore Cracks Down on Cross-Border Drone Flights

As of November 21, 2023, Singapore will implement a new framework governing cross-border drone flights. Under this framework, cross-border drone…

Frontex Low-Flying Objects Phase 1 Complete

In December 2022, Frontex challenged the industry, seeking innovative and cost-efficient solutions for detecting, tracking, and identifying low-flying objects. In…

S.1443- Protecting the Border from UAS

A bill recently introduced in the U.S. Senate Sponsored by Senator James Lankford (R-OK), S.1443 , titled the Protecting the…

Fifty feet above the wall: cartel drones in the U.S.-Mexico border zone airspace, and what to do about them

Fifty feet above the wall: cartel drones in the U.S.-Mexico border zone airspace, and what to do about them is…
