A Comprehensive Approach to Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems was published by the Joint Air Power  Competence Centre (JAPCC) and is a comprehensive work that covers many important aspects of both Counter-UAS and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)- related topics.

The document is authored by subject matter experts from a variety of countries who belong to JAPCC.

Publication Date- January 2021

A Comprehensive Approach to Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems includes the following chapters:

Part I- Overview

1- Introduction

2- The Differences Between Unmanned Aircraft, Drones, Cruise Missles, and Hypersonic Vehicles

3- Unmanned Aircraft Threat Vectors

4- The Vulnerability of Unmanned Aircraft System Components

5- A Methodology for Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Part II- Military Perspectives

6- Joint Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconaissance

7- Defensive Counter-Air Operations

8- Offensive Counter-Air Operations

9- Targeting

10- Electromagnetic Operations

11- Cyberspace Operations

12- Space Operations

13- Force Protection Considerations

14- Command and Control

15- Education and Training

16- Strategic Communications

Part III- Civil Perspectives

17- Protection of Critical Infrastructure

18- Law Enforcement

19- Drone Forensics

20- Cloud-based Command and Control for Security and Drone Defence Applications

Part IV- Legal Perspectives

21- Regulatory Frameworks in Support of Counter-UAS

22- The Juridicial Landscape of Countering Unmanned Aircraft Systems

23- Arms Control of Unmanned Weapons Systems: Facing the Challenges

Part V- Future Perspectives

24- Research, Development, and Acquisition of Counter-UAS Technologies

25- Employing Friendly UAS for Counter-UAS Operations

26- Future Threats: Military UAS, Terrorist Drones, and the Dangers of the Second Drone Age

This content was posted with the permission of the Joint Air Power Competence Centre. This document is releasable to the public.

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Maj Osman Aksu, Lt Col Roy Milke, Dr Christian Alwardt, Christopher Müller, Chief Insp Sascha Berndsen, Lt Col Paul MacKenzie, Joel Bollö, Alex Morrow, Capt Daniel Cochran, Dr Thomas Neff, Dr James Corum, Wg Cdr (ret.) Jez Parkinson, Dr Ulrich Dieckert, Phil Pitsky, Dr Hans-Albert Eckel, Lt Col Berry Pronk, Lt Col Heiner Grest, Dr James Rogers, Lt Col André Haider, Amit Samani, Dr Martin Hellman, Lt Col Andreas Schmidt, Lt Col Henry Heren, Georg Schweizer, Heleen Huijgen LLM BSc, Lt Col (ret.) Pangiotis Stathopolous, Liisa Janssens LLM MA, Lt Col Guiseppe Valentino, Adam Jux BA, Lt Col Tim Vasen, Maj Fotios Kanellos, Lt Col Jürgen Welsch, David Kovar, Maj Andreas Wurster, First Chief Inspector Jürgen Künstner, and Dirk Zimper

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Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technologies and Operations

Post Image Credit- Adobe Stock by Pakpoom