A Counter-Drone Strategy for New Zealand builds upon an earlier work, Quantifying the Cost of Drone-Related Threats in New Zealand. In this article, selected literature is reviewed to identify key elements of a security strategy. Counter-drone approaches of New Zealand its Five Eyes partners are reviewed. The strategy developed in this article is compared to a Civil Aviation Bill recently introduced in New Zealand.
Publication Date- May 18, 2022
This work contains the following major sections:
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Background
- The Threat Posed by Drones
- Means of Countering Drones
- Core Elements of a Security Strategy
- Five Eyes Partner Responses
- Legal Constraints
- Australia & Canada: tactical responses to allow jamming
- The United Kingdom’s Explicit Strategy
- The United States of America’s Emergent Strategy
- New Zealand’s Response to Drones
- Strategy Development
- Objectives
- Risk Assessment
- Strategic Considerations
- Selection of potential controls
- Implementation Guidance
- Conclusion
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Author- Andrew Shelley
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