The Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central or AFCENT) is hosting the AFCENT Innovation Day on February 15th, 2023, at Shaw Air Force Base (AFB), South Carolina.
The one-day event provides interested companies with an opportunity to host a booth and offer capabilities and solutions to the following problem sets:
1. Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) facilitates the full range of air operations in the US Central Command theater. Air Domain Awareness (ADA) and the ability to counter the entire compendium of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) threats and (Counter-UAS) are guiding principles of IAMD. Currently, ADA and Counter-UAS are accomplished by numerous “stove piped” infrastructures and a non-integrated patchwork of systems contributing to a seam complicating command and control for detection and engagement of Groups 1-3 UAS and Cruise Missiles.
2. AFCENT requires an integrated, consolidated air picture that feeds a single application and is shareable among U. S. entities, allies, and partners.
3. AFCENT requires automated and modernized intelligence tools to support various aspects of the Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, and Assess (F2T2EA) process for Air Force and joint targeting; and to reduce manually intensive processes in favor of automated (and potentially augmented and artificial intelligence/machine learning) processes and technologies to speed kill chains.
4. AFCENT requires lightweight, resilient, scalable, and open architecture solutions that leverage Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) technology and other technologies while maintaining Department of Defense Cybersecurity requirements. Solutions should have the resiliency to maintain high availability in communications degraded or denied environments and support distributed operations between CONUS and the US Central Command theater. AFCENT requires capabilities/solutions to be data-centric solutions with open application programming interfaces (APIs).
Companies interested must provide industry solutions via a capability statement to Lt Col Christopher Phillips ( and Lt Col Michael Quinn ( The capability statement should identify which problem(s) your company’s capabilities may help solve by January 26th, 2023.
Due to venue limitations, there will only be 20 booths. Capability statements will be reviewed to determine which companies AFCENT approves to have a booth. Companies that are not selected may still attend the AFCENT Innovation Day.
For more additional information, visit the link below.
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