Various options are presently under consideration to establish requirements for implementing Remote Identification (ID) for drones in Australia, with the overarching goals of enhancing safety and facilitating responsible and transparent drone operations.
As part of the process, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts has published a document that marks the initial phase of public consultation regarding the potential implementation of Remote ID regulations for drones in Australia.
According to the document, “Remote Identification (Remote ID or RID) is a technology incorporated into drones that can provide information about where drones are flying, and supports identifying drone operators and
holding them accountable for their actions.”
This paper is the first step toward a potential Remote ID mandate for drones. The paper:
• identifies opportunities and risks associated with this technology
• outlines some of the current approaches for managing these issues
• proposes an approach to policy development.
The paper is a starting point for ongoing discussions and collaboration
between government, industry, and the broader community.
This discussion will inform the government on how to effectively integrate this technology, ensuring Australia can benefit from the considerable
opportunities provided by emerging aviation technologies while at
the same time managing the risks and impacts associated with their
The discussion paper delves into the users, applications, advantages, and obstacles associated with Remote ID. It initiates the discussion by presenting a set of questions grouped under three main themes- Data and Access, Technology, and Usage.
The paper also includes three Annexes that expand on the information
provided in the main part of the paper and provide additional
context, including technical information.
For more information, please read Remote Identification (Remote ID)- Discussion Paper for Public Consultation.
The Remoted ID rule in the United States will go into effect on September 16th, 2023. For more information on how Remote ID will impact security professionals, please read Remote ID: A Primer for Security Professionals.
Feedback is requested by Friday, July 28th, 2023, 17:00 AEST via or
The consultation process will lead to the development of policy options
through a formal Policy Impact Analysis process during 2023.
Post Image- Two drones lfy at sunset (Image Credit: envatoelements by goinyk)