Recently, India-based defense technology start-up Big Bang Boom Solutions launched its Naval Research and Development Centre (NRDC) in the Chennai, which was inaugurated by former Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh. The NRDC will undertake projects in various areas, including passive naval deterrence, electronic warfare systems, artificial intelligence (AI), sensor-enabled fire detection and suppression, and oil spill containment.
Big Bang Boom Solutions, a deep-tech defense solutions provider, was established in 2018 by Ramaswamy Shivaraman and Praveen Dwarakanath. The company focuses on AI, electronics, electric and green propulsion technologies, UAV technology, and data security. Its website lists clients and partners from the UK, Israel, Finland, and Australia.
Big Bang Boom Solutions offers a range of products, including an anti-drone defense system and see-through armor, which can be fitted inside battle tanks to provide 360-degree situational awareness. In addition, the company also provides custom solutions such as a thermal integrated caged drone for surveillance, a nano drone, and an AI-assisted drone interceptor, among others.
According to a press release, Ramaswamy Shivaraman, Director and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Big Bang Boom Solutions, stated that the newly established facility and infrastructure would assist the company in enhancing its product offerings to the armed forces in the country.
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