H.R. 6363, the “Further Continuing Appropriates and Other Extensions Act, 2024,” was passed by both the House and Senate this week and signed by President Biden on Thursday night. The legislation extends the C-UAS Authority for the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) until February 3, 2024. The authority was set to expire on November 18, 2023.

The authorities for the two federal agencies have been extended multiple times since the authorities were initially set to expire in October 2022. The authorities were established under The Preventing Emerging Threats Act of 2018, codified as 6 U.S. Code Section 124n(i).

See our latest article on the need to expand counter-UAS authorities- Remote ID Data vs Drone Communication Data- What’s the Beef?

For a review of how we got to this point, please visit A Short History of Law Enforcement C-UAS in the U.S.

Post Image Credit: envatoelements by SeanPavone