Counter-UXS Energy and Operational Analysis is a Naval Post Graduate School Systems Engineering Capstone Report by Jason A. Behling, Fernando Fuentes, Larry D. Mannings, Golda R. Morgan, and Jonathan T. Schinowsky.
This report details the efforts made towards the development of C-UAS technologies, aimed at reducing energy consumption and signal footprint, while ensuring operational effectiveness. The project employed Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) techniques to explore and evaluate these technologies within a mission context. To provide the C-UAS Operational Concept, a Concept of Operations was created.
Operational analysis was carried out, leading to the development of operational scenarios that defined the System of Systems (SoS) concept, operating conditions, and necessary system capabilities. A resource architecture was also created to outline the functional behaviors and performance characteristics of C-UAS technologies. Lastly, a modeling and simulation (M&S) tool was developed to assess mission scenarios for C-UAS.
Publication Date- December 2022
Counter-UXS Energy and Operational Analysis contains the following major sections:
I. Introduction
II. Problem Definition
III. Operational Analysis
IV. Resource Architecture
V. Architecture Assessment
VI. Conclusions
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Authors-Jason A. Behling, Fernando Fuentes, Larry D. Mannings, Golda R. Morgan, and Jonathan T. Schinowsky
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