Countering the Drone Threat: Implications of C-UAS Technology for Norway in an EU and NATO Context is a report from the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) that discusses a wide range of topics that include:
- Critical analysis of the typology, procedures, and challenges of counter-drone technology
- Assessment of counter-drone technology in both civilian and military scenarios relevant to Norway
- Assessment of the effectiveness of C-UAS technology
- Planning, coordination, safety, and legality challenges
- C-UAS developments- EU and NATO and its impact on Norway
Publication Date- 2020
This paper contains the following main sections:
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- C-UAS Technology: Typology, Procedures, and Challenges
- Civilian Scenarios
- Military Scenarios
- The European Union Context: Key Developments
- The NATO Context: Key Developments
- Conclusions
- Further Reading
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Authors- Bruno Oliveira Martins, Arthur Holland Michel, and Andrea Silkoset
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