Drone Delivery Of CBNRECY – DEW Weapons Emerging Threats of Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption (WMDD) examines among other things, unmanned vehicles in the air and underwater, drone delivery of chemical threats, biological threat agents, radiation threats, nuclear threats, cyberwar, information warfare, electronic warfare, cybersecurity, directed energy weapons, acoustical countermeasures, UUVs, maritime
cybersecurity, UAS and Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CUAS),
emerging and disturbing technologies.

Publication Date- May 9, 2022

This publication contains the following main sections:

Part 1- Chemical, Biological, Radiation, Nuclear, Explosive (CBRNE) Weapons and Payloads

  • Drones Capabilities to Deliver Weapons of Mass Destruction/Disruption (WMDD)
  • Chemical Weapons
  • Biological Weapons
  • Radiological, Electromagnetic, Drone & Metaverse Risks and Issues
  • Nuclear Weapons
  • Explosives Delivered by Drone
  • Deception

Part 2- Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and Payloads

  • DEW Primer
  • DE Weapons, Projectiles, Damage
  • DE Weapons & Microwaves
  • Hypersonic Drone Missles
  • Acoustic Weapons
  • Satellite Killers
  • Cyber Weapons and CBRNE

Part 3- Risk Assessment and Policy Considerations

  • Assessing the Drone Delivery Future WMDD and DEW Threats/Risks
  • Unique Challenges of Responding to Bioterrorism & Chemical Threats & Attacks Delivered by Drones
  • Practical Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Using Autonomous Systems
  • Navigation Spoofing and ECD

Part 4- Social Networks and Tools of the Trade

  • Social Network Implications for WMDD
  • Tools of the Trade

Authors- Randal K. Nichols; Dr. Suzanne Sincavage; Dr. Hans C. Mumm; Wayne Lonstein; Candace Carter; CPT John-Paul Hood; Randal Mai; Dr. Mark Jackson; Mike Monnik; Dr. Robert McCreight; and William Slofer

Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction and Disruption ( WMDD) by Randall K. Nichols is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Permission was received from the author.

cuashub.com does not own this content and is providing a link for users to access the content in its original location. This provides the author(s) with the opportunity to track important article metrics related to their work. All credit goes to its rightful owner.

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