Drones- A Report on the Use of Drones by Public Safety Agencies- and a Wake-Up Call about the Threat of Malicious Drone Attacks is a report supported, in whole or in part, by cooperative agreement number 2016‐CK‐WX‐K009 awarded to Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS).
This report is about two opposite but related issues: (1) the use of drones by police agencies to protect public safety and (2) the use of drones by malicious actors to commit various crimes such as acts of terrorism. Thus, the story of drones is about two radically different sides of the same coin.
Drones- A Report on the Use of Drones by Public Safety Agencies- and a Wake-Up Call about the Threat of Malicious Drone Attacks contains the following major sections:
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Pre-Implementation Considerations
- Establishing a Drone Program
- Malicious Use of Drones
- Conclusion
This resource was developed under a federal award and may be subject to copyright. The U.S. Department of Justice reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use and to authorize others to use this resource for Federal Government purposes. This resource may be freely distributed and used for noncommercial and educational purposes only.
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