After a series of high-profile disruptions due to drones at the Dublin Airport this year, the airport operator has announced that counter-drone technology, including frequency jamming technology, has been installed at the airport.

Multiple news outlets, including the Irish Times, BBC, and  The Journal have reported that counter-drone technology, which was previously unable to be used due to government regulations, is now able to be used due to changes made by the communications regulator, ComReg. The new authorities were made possible due to an amendment to the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926.

In comments made to The Journal, a Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) spokesperson commented, “DAA is constantly engaged in maintaining safety in relation to illegal drone operations near our airports. We acted quickly in response to the Government’s direction on this matter, purchasing the counter-drone equipment and training our relevant personnel in its use within just weeks.”

The spokesperson continued, “Having recently received the necessary approvals, the anti-drone technology is fully operational and available for use as and when required at Dublin Airport. We remind all drone users that it is illegal to operate a drone within 5 kilometers of any Irish airport.”

See Also-

FAA UAS Detection and Mitigation ARC Announced

Post Image- Aircraft taking off (Image Credit: envatoelements by shotsstudio)