Fifty feet above the wall: cartel drones in the U.S.-Mexico border zone airspace, and what to do about them is a Naval Post Graduate School thesis by Aaron R. Schmersahl. This study seeks to build on the conceptual framework related to hostile drones in the airspace. It specifically seeks to find a strategy for the Department of Homeland Security to utilize to counter the narco-drone problem in the border-zone airspace.
Publication Date- March 2018
Fifty feet above the wall: cartel drones in the U.S.-Mexico border zone airspace, and what to do about them contains the following major sections:
I. Introduction
II. Drone Threat: Preparing for the Inevitable
III. Understanding Airspace Control and Controlled Airspace
IV. Drug Cartel Innovation Behavior
V. Drone Detection and Countermeasures
VI. Conclusions
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Author- Aaron R. Schmersahl
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