Framework for Responding to a Drone Incident is an INTERPOL document inspired by the Drone Global Expert Group participants in November 2018. Six countries and four U.S. agencies gathered in Denver, Colorado, to explore the challenges and issues law enforcement faces in response to an incident involving a drone.
The Framework for Responding to a Drone Incident features extracts from fundamentals of crime scene management and processing that are taken from the guides published by the National Institute of Justice.
Publication Date- 2019
Framework for Responding to a Drone Incident contains the following main sections:
1- Introduction
2- Overview of Drones
3- First Responder Guidance
4- Digital Forensics Overview and Principles
5- Digital Drone Forensics
6- Drone Data Examples
7- Common Tools Used in Drone Forensics
8- Useful Web Resources
Readers are directed to the INTERPOL document website to access and download the document.
Author- INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation
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