According to the Department of Defense (DoD), the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) is essential for facilitating control in operational environments. It impacts operations in the air, land, sea, space, and cyber domains. The pervasiveness of the EMS across warfighting domains means that maintaining or achieving EMS superiority against an adversary is critical to battlefield success.
The DoD warns that the United States risks losing control over the battlefield if it fails to assert control over the electromagnetic spectrum. This spectrum, encompassing a wide range of frequencies, plays a crucial role in essential operations such as communications, navigation, and the effective use of weapons systems.
The Defense Intelligence Agency has recognized the Russian electromagnetic warfare forces as “world class” and highlights their demonstrated effectiveness in real-world situations, including engagements against both U.S. and foreign militaries. Furthermore, China has also made significant advancements in this domain and possesses advanced capabilities in the realm of electromagnetic warfare.
DoD operations in every domain rely on ensuring control over the use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Please read the full Government Accountability Office (GAO) report attached below.
Publication Date- December 2020
Other GAO Reports found in the C-UAS Hub Multimedia Library:
GAO Report- Department of Defense Directed Energy Weapons
GAO Report- Counter-Drone Technologies
GAO Report- Directed Energy Weapons
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