In collaboration, the German Air Force, Diehl Defence – the system provider for the IRIS-T SLM ground-based air defense system, and Gebäudemanagement Schleswig-Holstein AöR (GMSH) officially launched a training facility for ground-based air defense. This facility is located at the Todendorf military training area under the purview of the Bundeswehr Homeland Defence Command, situated along the Baltic Sea.
Delegates from the trio of collaborating entities formally handed over the completed segment of the facility to the training entity representing both industry and the armed forces. This gesture signifies the symbolic initiation of training operations. The inaugural training sessions are set to commence in the summer of 2023, with the training facility anticipated to achieve its maximum capacity by 2024.
Subsequently, Diehl Defence will provide comprehensive assistance to the German Armed Forces in Todendorf, encompassing training, qualification, and maintenance of the IRIS-T SLM weapon system. This commitment extends beyond German military personnel, encompassing all NATO and European Sky Shield Initiative participants acquiring the IRIS-T SLM system. The training format follows a multiplier model, facilitating users’ ability to independently train their personnel down the line.
The training complex encompasses four distinct sections: dedicated spaces for theoretical instruction, an outdoor arena for system-focused training, a maintenance hangar, and warehouse facilities. This comprehensive setup caters to all aspects required for a thorough training curriculum focused on the IRIS-T SLM system. Among the training amenities, there’s a computer-equipped room designed for operational and tactical (software) training, specifically centered around the command and control system. Diehl Defence oversees the industrial training components, while the German Air Force takes charge of tactical and operational facets.
Diehl Defence‘s training offerings at Todendorf are initially tailored to the IRIS-T SLM system. Nevertheless, the scope of services can be expanded to encompass other systems, including IRIS-T SLS. The Todendorf facility is designed to facilitate comprehensive cross-service training initiatives.
The synergy achieved by integrating training services offered by industry and armed forces is significant. The operational model at Todendorf allows for the initiation of training sessions at a sophisticated technical level, accommodating customer-specific system modifications and needs. The deeply collaborative partnership between users and industry generates invaluable enhancements for the system’s ongoing evolution, ensuring active user involvement.
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Post Image- Opening of the training facility for ground-based air defense (Image Credit: Diehl Defence)