Germany has announced that it continues to support Ukraine, including equipment and weapons from the supplies of the military and from deliveries from industry financed from the Federal Government’s funds for security capacity building.

A substantial amount of funding has been allocated for the security capacity-building initiative. In 2023, the funding amounts to 5.4 billion Euros, following the allocation of 2 billion Euros in 2022. Furthermore, there are additional authorizations for future commitments totaling 10.5 billion Euros. These funds will primarily be utilized for providing military assistance to Ukraine. Additionally, a portion of the funds will be utilized for replenishing the stocks of the Federal Armed Forces with items that were delivered to Ukraine. Furthermore, Germany’s contributions to the European Peace Facility (EPF) will also be covered, allowing for reimbursing costs incurred by EU member states in providing military assistance to Ukraine.

Counter-Drone and Air Defense equipment already delivered to Ukraine include the following:

  • 2 air surveillance radar TRML-4D* (before: 1)
  • 2 air defense system Iris-T SLM*
  • Iris-T SLM missiles*
  • air defense system PATRIOT with missiles
  • 34 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns GEPARD including circa 6.000 rounds of ammunition*
  • 55,000 rounds of ammunition for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns GEPARD
  • 4,000 rounds of practice ammunition for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns
  • 500 Man Portable Air Defense Systems STINGER
  • 2,700 Man Portable Air Defense Systems STRELA
  • 10 radio jammers* (before: 7)
  • 57 anti-drone sensors and jammers* (before: 55)
  • 93 drone detection systems*
  • 40 frequency range extensions for anti-drone devices*
  • 40 laser target designators*
  • 10 anti-drone guns*
  • 125 binoculars
  • 353 night vision goggles*
  • 12 electronic anti-drone devices*
  • 38 laser range finders*
  • 10 HMMWV (8x ground radar capability, 2x jamming/anti-drone capability)*
  • 8 mobile ground surveillance radars and thermal imaging cameras*

Pending Counter-Drone and Air Defense equipment to Ukraine include the following:

  • PATRIOT missiles
  • 6 air defense system IRIS-T SLM*
  • Iris-T SLM missiles*
  • 12 launchers Iris-T SLS*
  • Iris-T SLS missiles (from Bundeswehr and industry stocks*)
  • 6 air surveillance radars TRML-4D*
  • 18 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns GEPARD*
  • 300,000 rounds of GEPARD ammunition
  • 11 communications electronic scanner/jammer systems*

* Deliveries from industry stocks financed by German funds for security capacity building. Some deliveries require upgrades, ongoing productions, and training measures will occur.

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Post Image-German Flag in front of the German Parliament (Bundestag) – Reichstag Building – Berlin, Germany (Image Credit: envatoelements by diegograndi)