Integration of Radar Sensor Data With Situational Awareness Tools to Respond to an Unmanned Aerial Threat is a Naval Postgraduate School thesis by Derrick W. Majors and Ryan P. O’Neil.
This study demonstrated the possibility of integrating simulated data from SAAB’s G1X radar system, integrated with the Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) situational awareness application, during a small-scale multi-agency crisis response exercise. The technology worked flawlessly; however, we noticed that counter UAS tactics techniques and procedures (TTP), international UAS laws and regulations, and cueing and automation must be further examined and reworked for today’s fight and interagency response. In addition, we discovered that cell phone coverage did not effectively cover San Francisco Bay during the exercise. To mitigate this gap, we successfully extended a WMN using Persistent Systems’ MPU-5 radios to create a broader capability of maintaining network functions in a non-networked environment.
Publication Date- June 2021
Integration of Radar Sensor Data With Situational Awareness Tools to Respond to an Unmanned Aerial Threat contains the following major sections:
- Introduction
- Background
- Literature Review
- Experiment Design
- Results and Analysis
- Conclusion
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Authors- Lieutenant Derrick W. Majors (USN) and Lieutenant Ryan P. O’Neil (USN)
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