Investigation of UAV Detection by Different Solid-State Marine Radars is an open-access MDPI work by Saulius Rudys, Paulis Ragulis, Andrius Laučys, Domantas Bručas, Raimondas Pomarnacki, and Darius Plonis.
The development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technologies offers significant benefits but poses threats. UAV technologies are advancing more rapidly than the methods for detecting and neutralizing them. Radar technology remains one of the most effective means of UAV detection due to its long detection range. The market currently offers low-cost solid-state marine radars operating on FMCW and pulse-compression principles. While these radars have many attractive features, they were not specifically designed for UAV detection. Despite not being optimal, they can still be utilized for this purpose. The feasibility of using marine radars for UAV detection was investigated by employing three types of radars and two types of small UAVs as targets. Laboratory conditions were used to measure the radar cross-section of the targets.
Publication Date– August 2022
Investigation of UAV Detection by Different Solid-State Marine Radars contains the following major sections:
- Introduction
- Technologies of Marine Radars
- Experimental Setup
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions