An Objective-Driven Test Method for Comparative Performance Evaluation of Commercial DTI Solutions for Counter UAS systems is an open-access research paper by Ali Mohamoud, Johan van de Pol, Hanno Hildmann, Rob van Heijster, Beatrice Masini, Martijn van den Heuvel, and Amber van Keeken.

As the availability of commercially accessible and inexpensive Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) or drones increases, there arises a potential for heightened threats to traditional perimeter defense of civilian and military facilities, critical infrastructure, and public events. Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are tasked with policing access to lower airspace due to the proliferation of drones. Consequently, there has been a focus on developing and deploying Counter-UAS systems (C-UAS) with Detection Tracking and Identification (DTI) solutions. However, the capabilities of these systems are challenging to benchmark, and performance claims lack supporting evidence. Moreover, the absence of standard test methodologies makes comparing these systems difficult or impossible.

This paper defines, develops, and verifies an objective-driven test method and corresponding comparative performance evaluation for commercial DTI solutions for C-UAS. The methodology is based on operationally relevant end-user scenarios and encompasses detection, tracking, and identification, considering contextual information and end-user input. A comprehensive process is delineated for developing and implementing the test method and comparative performance evaluation, ensuring unambiguous objectives, a controlled testing environment, and iterative improvement and validation.

The work has been verified in a simulation environment and validated in two operational trials, demonstrating its efficacy in evaluating performance at both component and system levels.

Publication Date– May 2024

An Objective-Driven Test Method for Comparative Performance
Evaluation of Commercial DTI Solutions for Counter UAS
systems contain the following major sections:

  • Introduction
  • Objective-driven and comparative performance testing
  • A methodology to evaluate DTI solutions for counter-UAS systems
  • An objective-driven, comparative performance evaluation for DTI solutions
  • Validation of methodology

This paper is available via Creative Commons by 4.0 Deed. No changes were made to this work. For additional information, please visit CC by 4.0 Deed.

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