A Risk Based Paradigm and Model for Unmanned Aerial Systems in the National Airspace is a work by Christopher W. Lum and Blake Waggoner from the University of Washington Autonomous Flight Systems Laboratory.
In the realm of unmanned systems operations, a major concern is assessing the risks associated with a given mission. As efforts to integrate unmanned systems into national airspace continue, manufacturers must be able to calculate the risk of a mission in terms of human safety. Specifically, the focus is on threats to human safety posed by midair collisions and ground strikes. This project aims to identify applications that capitalize on the strengths of current unmanned aircraft technology while mitigating any weaknesses, to achieve safety and economic viability on par with manned aircraft. The risk model developed in this project is validated by comparing it to historical data when available, and several example scenarios are presented to demonstrate its intended use. The project also surveys resources for gathering the necessary information and provides materials to help a general audience perform a risk assessment.
Publication Date- 2010
A Risk Based Paradigm and Model for Unmanned Aerial Systems in the National Airspace contains the following major sections:
- Introduction
- Current UAS Policy
- Risk Assessment Framework
- Risk Model
- Results and Validation
- Example Calculations
- Conclusions and Future Research
- Acknowledgements
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Authors- Christopher Lum and Blake Waggoner
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