Small Skies: Countering Small UAS on a Multi-Domain Battlefield is a U.S. Army Command and General Staff College thesis by Eric A. Rowland.
In the past decade, state and non-state actors worldwide have utilized small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) to achieve strategic advantages on the battlefield. This thesis delves into the contemporary utilization of these systems and explores potential methods by which peer forces might employ them in high-intensity combat operations. Additionally, it scrutinizes the ongoing efforts of the Department of Defense to counter this emerging threat.
The primary focus of this thesis is to establish models for the effective employment of small UAS, offering a foundational framework for tactical units engaged in countering sUAS on a multi-domain battlefield. Furthermore, it utilizes threat models to delineate the capabilities required by tactical formations to carry out counter-sUAS operations in the context of high-intensity Multi-Domain Operations. The culmination of the research leads to recommendations for modifications across the Doctrine, Organizations, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF-P) domains, aiming to enhance the overall ability to address the challenges posed by small unmanned aerial systems in contemporary warfare.
Publication Date– October 2022
Small Skies: Countering Small UAS on a Multi-Domain Battlefield contains the following major sections:
- Introduction
- Literature Review
- Research Methodology
- Analysis
- Conclusions and Recommendations
Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.
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Author- Eric A. Rowland
See Also-
CSIS- Countering Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems
Countering UAS: A Conversation with Major General Sean Gainey
Counter UAS Systems to Defeat Low Slow and Small Air Threats
Post Image- Data Analysis and Comparison Model (Post Image Credit: Author)