The Role of Drones in Future Terrorist Attacks is a Land Warfare paper by Thomas G. Pledger published by The Association of the United States Army.
The rapid expansion of both commercial and personal drone usage has spurred significant advancements in drone capabilities. These developments, driven primarily by commercial interests, encompass extended operational range, heightened speed, increased payload capacity, novel control and coordination methods, and innovative modes of locomotion. As is often the case with dual-use technologies, terrorists have adopted drones for conducting long-range attacks against a range of targets.
Conversely, efforts to counteract the malicious use of drones are also progressing and evolving. However, these endeavors face substantial challenges due to the imperative of mitigating unintended consequences, the vast and varied physical environments in which drones operate, and the swift pace at which drone technology is advancing. The task of countering and thwarting terrorist drones is already complex and is poised to become even more intricate, especially given the increased legal use and enhanced capabilities of drones across the spectrum.
Publication Date– 2021
The Role of Drones in Future Terrorist Attacks contains the following major sections:
- Preface
- Introduction
- Past Development and Adaptation of Drones
- Current and Future Advances
- Detection Systems
- Defeat Systems and Countermeasures
- Additional Considerations
- Conclusion
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Author– Thomas G. Pledger
The Role of Drones in Future Terrorist Attacks
See Also-
Preventing and Countering Terrorist Use of UAS
Berlin Memorandum on Good Practices for Countering Terrorist Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Protecting vulnerable targets from terrorist attacks involving UAS
Image Credit: envatoelements by Lobachad)