On June 8, 2021, the FAA established the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aviation Rulemaking Committee (UAS BVLOS ARC) to provide recommendations to the FAA on performance-based regulatory requirements to normalize safe, scalable, economically viable, and environmentally advantageous UAS BVLOS operations that are not under positive air traffic control (ATC).
The UAS BVLOS ARC, comprised of stakeholders from 86 organizations, was tasked with providing recommendations that addressed requirements and supported concepts of the following BVLOS operations: long-line linear infrastructure inspections, industrial aerial data gathering, small package delivery, and precision agriculture operations, including crop spraying.
The membership of the UAS-BVLOS ARC comprised a wide range of stakeholders with diverse interests and perspectives. The ARC undertook its work in two distinct phases, organizing into multiple groups and subgroups. Through collaboration, their primary objective was to formulate optimal recommendations with a strong emphasis on achieving consensus. While complete unanimity was not attained in all areas, the ARC successfully reached a general agreement on numerous recommendations to be presented to the FAA.
The attached Unmanned Aircraft Systems Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aviation Rulemaking Committee Final report, dated March 10, 2022, includes the extensive work and recommendations of the group.
See also- FAA UAS Detection and Mitigation ARC Announced
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Post Image- Pilot preparing to use a drone for inspection (Image Credit: envatoelements by wirestock)