In the United Kingdom- The Authorities aim to assess market potential and gather market perspectives on requirements to ensure consideration in potential procurement initiatives. Information in this Request for Information (RFI) or any communication between the Authorities and Potential Providers does not constitute a contract, agreement, or representation of any resulting procurement or contract. The Authorities bear no liability for this RFI or associated documentation and will not reimburse costs incurred by Potential Providers in responding to the RFI.
Published Date– January 9, 2024
Closing Date– February 2, 2024
For additional information, please visit- Kinetic Effector RFI
The term ‘kinetic effector,’ often denoted as a ‘hard kill’ or ‘hard stop’ solution, encompasses methods for physically capturing or retrieving drones. These counter-drone tools aim to prevent drone incursions by capturing, entangling, or disabling them. Kinetic effectors, including ammunition for existing firearms, bespoke systems like ‘smart’ weapons sighting systems, and specially designed ammunition requiring an Authorized Firearms Officer (AFO), may be classified as ‘firearms,’ limiting their operational use. Remotely piloted aircraft, drones, or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) serve various legitimate and illegal purposes, necessitating measures like kinetic effectors to counter their potential misuse, either as standalone devices or integrated with detection systems.
Remotely piloted aircraft, commonly known as drones or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), serve diverse purposes across various sectors of society, encompassing both lawful and unlawful activities. These applications range from transporting Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) to engaging in video espionage, privacy infringements, and the illicit transportation of contraband, among other uses. Kinetic effectors emerge as a potential solution to address the reckless, inconsiderate, or criminal deployment of drones. These tools can function independently or integrate with other technologies, such as detection systems, to counteract misuse effectively.
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Counter Drones coordinates this activity with national equipment and interoperable training using ‘mutual aid’ for all Home Office forces. Police Scotland, Police Service of Northern Ireland, Ministry of Defence Police, Civil Nuclear Constabulary, British Transport Police, and the National Crime Agency also accord with the principles set out in the national model that in the future will be covered under the College of Policing’s Authorised Professional Practice (Counter Drones) (APP) for the deployment, training and use of counter drones equipment.
See Also-
Public Safety Counter-UAS resources on C-UAS Hub
Post Image Credit: Adobe Stock by VLRS