In a recent Telegram post, Ukraine’s Ministry of Defence announced its approval of the SkyKnight 2 one-way attack drone for military use.

The post noted that the drone has a maximum payload of 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs), artificial intelligence capabilities, and an automatic flight mode. When the operator identifies the target, the drone will fly automatically to the target, even if communication is lost due to RF jamming by the enemy.

Side view of the SkyKnight 2 Drone (Image Credit: Ukraine Ministry of Defense)
Side view of the Ukrainian SkyKnight drone with payload (Image Credit: Ukraine Ministry of Defense)


It was noted that the drone is relatively easy to fly. Operators familiar with piloting DJI, Autel, or other stabilized platforms can become proficient in flying the SkyKnight 2 in about a week.

No other details were available on the price of the drone, the company manufacturing the drone, or when the drone will be operationally deployed.

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