The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL/RI) is actively engaged in market research to gather insights from the industry regarding the current research and development (R&D) landscape of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) solutions. The focus is on exploring available technologies aimed at countering various Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). These EMP solutions may be ground-based or aerial, offering effective mitigation capabilities against Department of Defense (DoD) UAS groups 1, 2, and smaller group 3 aircraft.

Any EMP solutions hosted on air vehicles will have to be determined to be air-worthy by the Government. DoD must comply with the following general restrictions on UAS:

  • The air vehicle must be based on or derived from U.S. components and electronics
  • The air vehicle must have sufficient flight hours and reliability data

Original Published Date: December 7, 2023, at 3:12 p.m. EST

Original Response Date: January 5, 2024, at 3:00 p.m. EST

For additional information on this Request for Information (RFI), please visit- Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Defense Against Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) on

For more Defense-specific counter-UAS resources, please visit the Defense Counter-UAS Sector Page.

Image Credit: Adobe Stock by Semper Fidelis