The Biden Administration has released its “Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy.”
The memorandum recognizes that the radio frequency spectrum is a vital national resource. The United States has historically maintained global technological leadership by effectively balancing the promotion of private-sector innovation with advancing the missions of executive departments and agencies. However, recent years have witnessed a surge in demand for always-connected devices and various factors, including the emergence of cooperative and automated vehicles, the commercialization of space, and the escalating complexity and heightened requirements of Federal missions. These developments have intensified the competition for limited spectrum resources.
Managing these diverse and sometimes conflicting spectrum demands requires meticulous planning and coordination. Both agencies and private-sector users must collaboratively address these challenges, working together in the best interests of the American people.
The memorandum directs a number of tasks for the spectrum modernization strategy, including:
- Establishes an Interagency Spectrum Advisory Council to serve as the principal interagency forum for heads of agencies to advise the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on spectrum policy matters and to ensure that all decisions made by NTIA take into consideration the diverse missions of the Federal Government.
- By December 31, 2023, the Secretary of Commerce, acting through NTIA, shall develop a National Spectrum Strategy.
- Within 120 days of the submission of the Strategy, the Secretary of Commerce, acting through NTIA, in coordination with the Council, and after seeking to collaborate with FCC, shall publish an Implementation Plan for the Strategy.
For additional information, please visit Memorandum on Modernizing United States Spectrum Policy and Establishing a National Spectrum Strategy.
See Also-
UK Releases Spectrum Statement
Making Sense of Radio Frequency
U.S. Radio Spectrum Frequency Allocations Chart- Jan 2016
Post Image Credit: envatoelements by dibrova