You are warmly invited to join the upcoming workshop on unmanned system threats against critical infrastructure and urban settings hosted by weTHINK.
Following a year-long global expert working group and a crowd-sourced wargame conducted in partnership with the Center for Advanced Red Teaming at the University at Albany, the workshop will showcase findings, discuss emerging best practices, and network stakeholders from private industry, academia, policy circles, and security provision. Below is a brief sketch of the agenda:
- Introduction: Ingo Mayr-Knoch (weTHINK. CEO)
- Red teaming exercise results: Dr. Kerry Chávez (Texas Tech University, Modern War Institute at West Point)
- Best C-UAS practices: Chris Church (INTERPOL)
- Panel discussion: Chris Church (INTERPOL), Tom Adams (AeroVigilance CEO), representation from IABG, tentative representation from US DHS
- Open discussion / Q&A
The workshop will be held on Friday, 29 SEP from 1000 to 1200 EST on Zoom (virtual). Further details and the registration link can be found here.
I hope you can join. The event is open, unclassified, and free, so please share this invitation with interested colleagues.