For first responders to a criminal incident involving a drone, actions or inactions could have serious consequences to the investigation that will follow. Additionally, the data extracted from the downed UAS could be critical to the prosecution of offenders. SkySafe created the Applied UAS Forensics certification course to provide law enforcement and forensic examiners with the skills needed to successfully perform forensic analysis on small commercial and off-the-shelf consumer drones.

SCG Canada’s Covert Forensic Imaging Device (CFID) relies solely on SkySafe for all UAS capabilities, which gives SkySafe an exceptional advantage to provide crucial expertise and education on all facets of UAS forensics. The certification course concentrates on a range of topics, such as the most effective approaches for confiscating and retrieving UAS devices, along with the appropriate storage, handling, and transportation methods for recovered drones. The course will also furnish comprehensive guidance on conducting UAS teardowns. Additionally, hands-on training using a CFID will be included. Participants will acquire analysis skills for extracted artifacts and learn how to evaluate the pattern of life activity to assess the potential threat.

For more information and to register visit