Our C-UAS team will understand your specific drone threat and interpret the implications. This allows us to explore and test solutions and options, both tactical and technological, and make vendor neutral recommendations that will fulfil your needs and be commensurate with your budget.
At EWS, we will always start with an assessment of the threat you are facing, which might not actually be what you first think it is. That’s where our global experience regarding the collection, analysis and reporting of UAS threats is invaluable. We are experienced in assessing UAS threats from all perspectives. This deep and thorough understanding allows us to provide the full cross-section of support services:
- Capability development:
- Development of Mission Fills – if needed.
- Mapping RF interoperability.
- RF collateral damage assessment.
- Development of operating procedures.
- Verification and validation of C-UAS systems (laboratory, chamber or field test site).
- Sourcing and providing a system from the OEM.
- Training for capability managers, maintenance staff and of course operators.
- Planning of major events or activities where drones may be a threat or nuisance.
- Experienced operators and consultants:
- We provide specialist manpower from operators, field support engineers through to a full managed service and advisory services.