The Association for Uncrewed Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) has released a legal white paper that examines airspace law and proposes a framework for states and local governments to create legislation governing unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or drones. The paper aims to facilitate the growth of the drone industry while ensuring that new laws do not violate current authorities.

“As the Drone Flies: How to Think About Property Ownership, Federal Preemption, and Airspace Control in the Era of Remotely Piloted Aircraft” is authored by Sara Baxenberg and Josh Turner, experienced drone and preemption attorneys at Wiley Rein who serve as outside counsel to AUVSI. They address two key legal issues: first, the rights of individual property owners in the surface of their property as compared to the airspace above, and second, the authority of states and localities given federal preemption in the fields of air navigation and aviation safety.

"Si bien la llegada de los drones puede parecer que plantea un punto de inflexión para una serie de conceptos jurídicos tradicionales, estos supuestos conflictos son, en realidad, fáciles de resolver", dijo Sara Baxenberg, socia de Wiley Rein LLP. "Los Estados pueden proteger los derechos, los intereses y los activos de una manera que garantice que las normas sean claras para todas las partes interesadas y que todos los intereses estén adecuadamente salvaguardados."

En palabras de Michael Smitsky, Vicepresidente de Asuntos Gubernamentales de AUVSI: "Siguiendo los principios legales de este documento, los estados pueden estar a la vanguardia para atraer a la industria de los drones a su estado y desbloquear los beneficios que aportará a sus electores."

During the 2023 state legislative sessions, AUVSI and the Drone Prepared coalition is supporting legislative proposals which adhere to the paper’s legal principles by: (1) Promoting drone use for public benefit; (2) Recognizing the authority of the Federal Aviation Administration over airspace navigation and safety; (3) Leveraging existing laws that already address concerns like privacy and trespass; and (4) Promoting technology neutrality.

Learn more about this initiative at

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