Drones are a great tool for recreational and commercial purposes. However, the careless and malicious use of drones in and around stadiums and mass gathering venues can create a range of safety and security challenges for stadium management, law enforcement, security, and event organizers.
Los siguientes recursos han sido seleccionados por C-UAS Hub para proporcionar información específica sobre la protección de estadios y recintos de eventos.
Countering Illegally Operated Drones at Airports is an Aerospace and Defense podcast featuring D-Fend Solutions. The wide availability and proliferation…
Ver contenidoSEATTLE – August 15, 2024 – BRINC, a pioneer in drone technology for first responders, is proud to announce a partnership with Echodyne,…
Ver contenidoWASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) released a new Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (LRBAA) 24-01, which…
Ver contenidoThe worldwide uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) threat is evolving daily. It is marked by the increasing use of this technology…
Ver contenidoCommunication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on countering potential threats posed by drones sets out…
Ver contenidoLast month, Electro Optic Systems (EOS) participated in the Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program’s 2024 Counter Uncrewed…
Ver contenidoA draft document, currently titled “Unmanned aircraft systems—Counter UAS—Testing methodology,” has been released for public comment. The document provides standardized…
Ver contenidoFollowing the success of the previous three CORE events, the UK National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) and the U.S. Department…
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Ver contenidoInforme mundial sobre la adquisición, el armamento y el despliegue de sistemas aéreos no tripulados por grupos armados no estatales con fines terroristas es...
Ver contenidoStadia Protection and Mitigation from Drone Incursion and Threats- Case Study FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 es un informe de...
Ver contenidoPrepararse para los drones hostiles en entornos urbanos es un informe de la Red de Preparación Antiterrorista (CTPN). Los colaboradores del informe...
Ver contenidoVirginia UAV Activity Study- Virginia Low-Level Airspace Analysis es un informe de Unmanned Robotics Systems Analysis, Inc. (URSA) en colaboración con...
Ver contenidoFully Autonomous Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Devices- Mitigating Strategies es una tesis de la Naval Postgraduate School realizada por Kevin S. Knopf. Integrando tecnología...
Ver contenidoMitigar los ataques de drones en grandes eventos de alta densidad es una tesis de la Universidad Purdue por Travis L. Cline. Los avances tecnológicos han...
Ver contenidoAcusación del Gran Jurado Federal contra Travis Lenhoff presentada ante el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos del Distrito Sur de Ohio,...
Ver contenidoUnveiling Potential Industry Analytics Provided by Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Identification: A Case Study Using Aeroscope is an open access…
Ver contenidoActions Needed to Better Support Remote Identification in the National Airspace is a study and report by the Government Accountability…
Ver contenidoAn Objective-Driven Test Method for Comparative Performance Evaluation of Commercial DTI Solutions for Counter UAS systems is an open-access research…
Ver contenidoEl libro blanco Remote Identification: A Primer for Security Professionals proporciona la información que los profesionales de la seguridad...
Ver contenidoQuestions to Ask When Researching Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Counter-UAS) is a public domain document authored by the Department of...
Ver contenidoAvances y retos en las técnicas de detección y clasificación de drones: A State-of-the-Art Review es un informe de Ulzhalgas Seidaliyeva, Lyazzat Ilipbayeva,...
Ver contenidoA finales de diciembre de 2023, el Comité del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas publicó una serie de principios rectores no vinculantes para ayudar a los...
Ver contenidoLas Naciones Unidas publicaron el Léxico de artefactos explosivos improvisados para dotar al sistema de las Naciones Unidas de un marco conceptual unificado...
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