Now more than ever, airspace is key terrain. State, as well as non-state actors, now have an inexpensive and effective airborne capability through the use of drones or Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to conduct intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) operations, conduct airstrikes, deliver explosives, or carry out other asymmetric warfare operations.
Drones have changed the course of modern warfare, and these tools’ constantly evolving technology and capabilities pose a significant threat to military installations, equipment, and personnel.
Also referred to as military counter-UAS, military 카운터 드론, military 안티 드론, defense 카운터 드론, defense 안티 드론, combat counter-UAS, combat 카운터 드론, and combat 안티 드론.
다음 리소스는 다음 기관에서 큐레이션한 것입니다. C-UAS Hub to provide information to the defense sector.
Ondas Holdings Inc. has secured its largest purchase order to date for its Iron Drone Raider C-UAS systems. The $8…
콘텐츠 보기Why there is no silver bullet for counter small UAS technology is a two-part interview with Northrop Grumman from the…
콘텐츠 보기As drones become more advanced, the threat they pose to critical infrastructure grows. At the Counter UAS Homeland Security 2024…
콘텐츠 보기Kyrylo Budanov, head of Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence (HUR), announced on September 7 that Ukrainian-made drones now have a maximum range…
콘텐츠 보기Ukrainian and Russian forces engaged in a series of drone and missile exchanges overnight between September 4 – 5, as…
콘텐츠 보기A new C-UAS balloon technology developed in Ukraine could give it a much-needed edge in its ongoing war with Russia….
콘텐츠 보기Why there is no silver bullet for counter small UAS technology is a two-part podcast from Aerospace & Defense Technology….
콘텐츠 보기AeroVironment (AV) has been awarded a major contract by the U.S. Army for the Directed Requirement (DR) for Lethal Unmanned…
콘텐츠 보기Understanding Cope Cages: From Origins to Standardisation is a report by Julien Potin for the European Army Interoperability Centre. Tank…
콘텐츠 보기도시 환경에서의 적대적 드론에 대한 대비는 테러 대비 네트워크(CTPN)에서 작성한 보고서입니다. 보고서 기여자...
콘텐츠 보기Unveiling Potential Industry Analytics Provided by Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Identification: A Case Study Using Aeroscope is an open access…
콘텐츠 보기Actions Needed to Better Support Remote Identification in the National Airspace is a study and report by the Government Accountability…
콘텐츠 보기An Objective-Driven Test Method for Comparative Performance Evaluation of Commercial DTI Solutions for Counter UAS systems is an open-access research…
콘텐츠 보기카운터 무인 항공기 시스템(Counter-UAS)을 조사할 때 알아야 할 질문은 미 국방부에서 작성한 공개 도메인 문서입니다...
콘텐츠 보기드론 탐지 및 분류 기술의 발전과 과제: 최신 기술 검토는 Ulzhalgas Seidaliyeva, Lyazzat Ilipbayeva, ...의 보고서입니다.
콘텐츠 보기2023년 12월 말, 유엔 안전보장이사회 위원회는 회원국들을 지원하기 위한 구속력이 없는 일련의 지침 원칙을 발표했습니다.
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