Por detrás das asas: The Case of Reverse Engineering and Drone Hijacking in DJI Enhanced Wi-Fi Protocol é um relatório da... Derry Pratama, Jaegeun Moon, Agus Mahardika, Ari Laksmono, Dongwook Yun, Iqbal Muhammad, Byeonguk Jeong, Janghyun Ji, e Howon Kim.
This research paper investigates the Enhanced Wi-Fi protocol, focusing on its control command reverse-engineering analysis and a subsequent demonstration of a hijacking attack. Vulnerabilities in the Enhanced Wi-Fi control commands were identified, making them susceptible to hijacking attacks. The study reveals that even readily available and cost-effective commercial off-the-shelf Wi-Fi routers can be utilized for such attacks. A proof-of-concept remote hijacking attack was successfully conducted on a DJI Mini SE drone, highlighting the urgency of implementing robust security measures to protect unmanned aerial vehicles from potential hijacking threats. The study emphasizes the need for further exploration and advancement in civilian segurança dos drones, especially considering their military applications.
Data de publicação- setembro de 2023
Behind the Wings: The Case of Reverse Engineering and Drone Hijacking in DJI Enhanced Wi-Fi Protocol contains the following major sections:
- Introdução
- Preliminaries
- Segurança
- Reverse Engineering
- Hijacking Evaluation
- Discussão
- Conclusão
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Autores- Derry Pratama, Jaegeun Moon, Agus Mahardika, Ari Laksmono, Dongwook Yun, Iqbal Muhammad, Byeonguk Jeong, Janghyun Ji, and Howon Kim.
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Post Image- DJI Mini SE (Image Credit: DJI)