Laser Photonics Corporation (LPC) and Fonon Technologies have released the concept for their Laser Shield Anti-Drone System (LSAD), a laser DEW developed to counter the growing threat of UAS used in modern warfare. This announcement comes at a time when the global anti-drone market is particularly focused on solutions for small UAS and UAS swarms that do not break the bank.

The LSAD is designed to address the need for cost-effective counter-drone solutions. The system’s prototype, tested at LPC’s Orlando facility, has shown potential in neutralising small-scale UAS, which are increasingly utilised for reconnaissance and offensive operations. According to Bryan Lee, Vice President of Fonon Technologies, the LSAD represents a distinct approach to laser anti-drone systems, offering capabilities that have not yet been widely implemented globally.

“The capabilities of laser-powered anti-drone systems can give a considerable advantage to those defending against low-cost, simple drones used in today’s conflict zones,” said Lee. “We are one of several companies around the globe who have announced or tested laser anti-drone systems. The LSAD offers an entirely new concept that is not yet being fielded globally.”

Fonon Technologies is currently exploring opportunities with various branches of the U.S. military to evaluate their specific requirements and consider potential partnerships. These discussions are part of a broader strategy to posição the LSAD as a key solution within the counter UAS defence sector. While Fonon will lead the marketing and promotion efforts, LPC will focus on the manufacturing of the system, leveraging its expertise in industrial laser technology.

Wayne Tupuola, CEO of Laser Photonics, highlighted the importance of developing effective countermeasures to address the rising use of drones in warfare. The LSAD, once commercialised, could become a critical tool for defence forces, providing a new layer of protection against low-cost, easily deployable UAVs that pose significant challenges in conflict scenarios.

The development of the LSAD reflects broader trends in the defence industry, where there is a growing emphasis on integrating advanced technologies to counter emerging threats. As zangão technology continues to evolve, the need for robust and reliable anti-drone systems is becoming increasingly apparent. The LSAD is positioned to meet this need, offering a potential solution to one of the most pressing challenges in modern defence operations.

Crédito da imagem da publicação: Laser Photonics