Unmanned Aircraft Systems integration into European airspace and operation over populated areas is a report by the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN).

Drones have the potential to play a crucial role in mobility strategies, and the European Drone Strategy 2.0, released by the European Commission in November 2022, outlines political guidance for the future development of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the European market. Despite this, significant technical, procedural, social, and regulatory challenges must be addressed to ensure the safe and commercial integration of UAS in European airspace and society at large.

This study aimed to evaluate the obstacles and potential solutions for the seamless integration of UAS into European airspace, especially over urban and populated areas. The study also aimed to explore integration in both military and civil contexts, analyze best practices, and conduct an assessment of the effectiveness of Drone Strategy 2.0.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems integration into European airspace and operation over populated areas contains the following major sections:

  • Introduction
  • Drone Integration Within European Airspace
    • Includes a portion on Counter-UAS measures
  • Drone Operations Over Populated Areas
  • Good Practices
  • Military and Civil Drone Integration
  • Drone Strategy 2.0
  • Conclusions and Policy Recommendations
  • References

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Author- TRAN

See Also-

Drone Strategy 2.0

Post Image- Flight over Amsterdam (Image Credit: envatoelements by korneevamaha)