UAV Payload Identification with Acoustic Emissions and Cell Phone Devices is an Air Force Institute of Technology thesis by Hunter G. Doster.

This thesis investigates the potential of utilizing cell phone devices for detecting acoustic payloads on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Previous studies have shown that UAV acoustic signatures can be employed to ascertain whether a UAV is carrying a payload and estimate its weight. However, these earlier experiments were conducted at close range and with high-quality microphones. The current research extends this line of inquiry by exploring acoustic payload detection using cell phone devices and at much greater distances.

Publication Date- March 2022

UAV Payload Identification with Acoustic Emissions and Cell Phone Devices contains the following major sections:

  • Introduction
  • Background and Literature Review
  • HurtzHunter Design
  • Methodology
  • Results and Analysis
  • Conclusion

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Author- Hunter G. Doster

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Post Image- AI-generated image of a drone flying in a smoky battlefield (Image Credit: Adobe Stock by olegkruglyak3).