Protect Your Sky: A Survey of Counter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (CUS) provides a comprehensive survey of Counter-UAS technology that includes:

  • applications and regulations of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs);
  • platforms, devices, functions and networks of CUS
  • the architecture of integrated CUS
  • the CUS market players
  • the challenges and future direction of CUS

Publication Date- September 24, 2020

I- Introduction

II- UAV Applications and Regulations

III- Platforms and Networks of CUS’s

IV- Architecture

V- CUS Devices and Functions

VI- CUS Market

VII- Challenges and Future Direction

VIII- Conclusion


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Authors- Honggu Kang, Jingon Joung, Jinyoung Kim, Joonhyuk Kang, and Yong Soo Choo

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