A Key Enabler for Opening Airspace to Emerging Low-Altitude Operations

This work presents the U-space concept of operations (ConOps) based on three new types of airspace volume, called X, Y, and Z, and the relevant U-space services required for each. Additionally, the paper outlines the high-level U-space architecture using the European air traffic management architecture methodology, and proposes aircraft separation standards applicable to each volume to be used by the conflict detection and resolution services of U-space.

Publication Date- March 2020

U-Space Concept of Operations: A Key Enabler for Opening Airspace to Emerging Low-Altitude Operations contains the following main sections:

  • Introduction
  • U-Space Concept of Operations for VLL
  • U-Space Architecture
  • Conflict Management in U-space
  • Conclusions

Open Access concept paper from MDPI.

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Authors- Cristina Barrado, Mario Boyero. Luigi Brucceleri, Giancarlo Ferrara, Andrew Hately, Peter Hullah, David Martin-Marrero, Enric Pastor, Anthony Peter Rushton, and Andreas Volkert

Post Image- Examples of Airspace Volumes (from U-Space Concept of Operations: A Key Enabler for Opening Airspace to Emerging Low-Altitude Operations paper)

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